Air Pollution Impact on Human Study

In 2014 the American Public Health Association released a report that confirms that patients can be deeply impacted with physical health issues relating to global warming or poor air quality.  In a survey sponsored by George Mason University, USA, a total of 284 US physicians across 33 states confirm treating people relating to direct and indirect results of global warming or air pollution.      

In the survey, 61 percent of physicians reported that climate change is affecting the health of their patients a great deal or a moderate amount, and 88 percent have experienced climate change effects outside of their role as physicians.

Many PhD level scientist agree that global warming or air pollution is both naturally occurring and also generated by man-made activities such as agriculture, manufacturing and distribution of consumer products.  The 770 Million Citizen Sustainable Living Challenge is focused on man-made activities that cause air pollution.  We seeks your ideas and potential air pollution reduction solutions from everyone with a mobile device or PC.

According to the World Health Organization the adult and child mortality rate (asthma and lung disorder) is projected to reach 3 Million Citizens per year.  Help us by providing potential ideas and solutions that may reduce these lung related illness.  Two potential ideas may include reducing sustainable farming and improved marketing practices for the consumer products group.  Please share your voice and give us your ideas and potential solutions.

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Chinese Translation




世 界卫生组织的数据显示青少年死亡率(哮喘和肺部疾病引起)预计将达到每年三百万。你的想法和方案或许就能帮助青少年减少肺部疾病的发生。方案可以从多个角 度出发,譬如说,通过减少农药的使用或改善消费品市场的营销策略来减少空气污染。和我们分享你的想法,让我们听到你的声音

What can you do to make a difference – Accounting Director

Accounting Director

English Version
Accounting professionals throughout the international business community has many well established standards. The environmental accounting vocation is still emerging but a growing segment of environmental accounting professions now divide their work into two disciplines; income accounting and financial accounting.

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Accounting professionals who are concerned about his family’s food quality may consider adopting societal cost standards where applicable. Societal accounting cost standards account for many overhead expenses or hidden costs such as excess physical inventory disposal costs. There are three known environmental accounting benefits.
First, the enterprise will identify excess cost on the balance sheet by adopting environmental accounting principles. This visibility to hidden cash could help improve the balance sheet.

Second, with a little extra work the accountant could become the strongest carbon pollution advocate over time. China’s large urban pollution areas such as Shanghai, Ghourhang and Beijing air and food quality would benefit.
Third, the enterprise sales function would benefit because more products will be sold and not destroyed in the future.
Join our sustainable supply chain community and share ideas that could lead to improved child and adult mortality rate. Visit for more details.

Chinese version:

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